June 27, 2009



  1. What re you using to color these?

  2. Hi Chuck,

    I'm just using my really old version of Photoshop. Why... what are your thoughts?

  3. I was just thinking that you can avoid having those white halos (for the lack of a better term) if you just increase the tolerance on the paintbucket or on the magic wand.

    Also if you scan your line art in at 1200 dpi in the black and white/line art mode it will give you a much nicer scan and may eliminate those halos all together. Just remember to reduce the image to 300 dpi (and RGB mode) once you're ready to color.

    I hope this helps but you may already know all this. I teach Photoshop, sorry.

  4. Hi Chuck,

    This really does help. Thank you. I've never had any training on Photoshop beyond a 10 minute walk through back in 1999 given in half English and half in Chinese. It was a strange time.

    Drawings #36 and #37 were both scanned awhile back at 72 dpi and the more recent were at 300 dpi, but now I'll be scanning at 600 dpi hereon. I can definitely see a difference in the quality you are talking about and getting rid of the "halos."

    Any pointers are appreciated.

